Sunday, August 31, 2008

Recycling your clothes, it's possible !

I have a friend who always says "oh but you can wear them for ten years" whenever we remark on her extravagant shopping. I used to laugh at her lame excuse and said nobody does that nowadays. Just admit it, we aren't that environmental-conscious.

But the other day I found myself actually still wearing clothes I bought ages ago. A white, mid-length coat and a pencil skirt which I bought eleven years ago! But during most of those eleven years, I couldn't wear them as I had gained so much weight I couldn't even button / zip up. Yes, it was that serious. And for some mysterious reasons, I returned to the same size as before and am now able to wear some of my favourite old clothes. Time to dig out some hidden treasures in the wardrobe. I think there was another pencil skirt and chinos that can "come out" soon.

There is hope.

Although, I don't think I can give up shopping, yet. If I don't buy new things now, how can I save them for future ! ;p

Retail therapy

Bought a pair of shoes on Friday. 

Blue, patent and lambskin, high heels, Chloe. Cost me a fortune (call me cheap or what you will) but made me happy.

Inflation, inflation, inflation ? Almost all of the shoes in the shop starts from a price tag of HK$4,000. Clothes are worse, HK$10,000 seems to be the average.  I guess I won't go shopping for a while.

Normally I am not a big spender. I think HK$3,000 for shoes is quite a lot. And I am not into designer handbags. Well, can't afford, more like... But then sometimes it is like I am drawn into this vicious circle. What I want is simply to buy shoes that are pretty and of good quality that are good to go to work. That's when you notice some high street shops are selling mediocre shoes that will not last for a season (in terms of style and quality) at HK$800 - HK$1,000. So, buying brand name stuff seems to be a logical move. But then brand name goods don't start at HK$1,000. The thing is, when you start spending HK$2,500, then HK$3,000 for a "nicer" pair of shoes doesn't seem too extravagant. 

So now the bar is raised one more time, HK$4,500 ! I blame it on my recent super stressed work situation... Yes, I was weak.

And hopeless.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have been short-sighted ever since I was eight or nine years old. I rely on my glasses all the time, obviously. 

Lately my friends have been telling me I'm not seeing things clearly. Maybe my glasses are tinted. Maybe my glasses are covered with condensation as I come out from a chilly mall. Maybe I simply need to get a new pair. Maybe... 

On a good day, I am thankful for my friends' recommendations. At other times, I just wonder how would anyone know what is good for me? 

"How could anybody say they know how I feel? The only one around here who is me, is me." (Morrissey)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


笑話一則 aka one of my first fashion disasters

正在看北京奧運閉幕儀式(依然抗拒用「閉幕式」),各國運動員興高采烈地進場。鏡頭一閃,是肯亞的運動員,令我想起陳年往事一則… …

時為老好的八十年代,我還是無知的小學生一個。某天從電視得知 Bermuda shorts 乃來季大熱,跟著便以時裝界代表身分,向小鄰居耀武揚威一番,向他們解釋何謂百慕達短褲。怎料,得來的反應是:「甚麼百慕達短褲?那我這件豈不是肯亞波恤?」經驗尚淺的我,完全招架不來,只有紅著臉,在哈哈哈哈的恥笑聲中,氣憤地走開,心裡說:「不識貨,我不跟你們玩!」

我當然從來沒有著過百慕達短褲,至於肯亞波恤嘛,不就是你我他她牠都擁有無數件的普通T一件囉… …