Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crazy lazy food

I love food but am no foodie. I enjoy cooking from time to time but most of the time it's out of practicality - I've got to eat something, right? I can't afford to go to fancy restaurants all the time and I don't want to have another 茶餐廳 (local version of the greasy spoon) meal after a long day's work. So I tend to make something quick, usually only involves one pot/pan to minimize the pain of washing up. And sometimes I ended up doing something crazy for various reasons.
Last night, after going to my grandma's place for a belated 拜年 (Chinese New Year ritual - visiting your seniors), it's still early and the market hasn't closed yet. So I wandered around with no idea what to cook for the night. I thought of making a soup with cabbage, tomato and corn. But after I got the tomatoes, I passed by the fish monger and thought, "oh I haven't had fish for a while." I finally got a filet of some kind of white fish (don't ask me, I don't even know its Chinese name).
So then I started to think what should I do with the fish... And here's what:
Tray-baked filet of I-have-no-idea-what-fish-this-is with cabbage and tomatoes
  • Filet of fish, any fish
  • 1 small cabbage (coarsely chopped)
  • 2-3 tomatoes (cut in wedges)
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • Ginger (few small pieces, squash them)
  1. Pre-heat oven (around 220 degrees)
  2. Drizzle oil on a baking dish (I use a disposable foil tray)
  3. Put the chopped cabbage in the baking dish, drizzle a bit more oil on it
  4. Cover with aluminium foil and cook in oven for 10mins
  5. Meanwhile, rub salt and pepper on both sides of the fish
  6. Take out the tray from oven. Put the fish on top of the cabbage, add the ginger and tomatoes and cover with foil
  7. Put back tray in the oven and cook for 20mins (depending on the thickness of the filet)
  8. Serve
* don't waste the remaining juice in the tray. it's yummy too. oh and I think you may also add some white wine in it.
P.S. All quantities, oven temperatures, cooking time are arbitrary. I'm not a professional cook and I just learn as I cook ;P
P.P.S. Sorry I didn't take any photo... Use your imagination.

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