Saturday, December 27, 2008

Joyeux anniversaire

One year older, but none wiser.

I was thinking to have a very quiet birthday this year - the same thing I wanted for the past few years. But friends had been very kind to organise a Christmas x Birthday party and so I went along. It was good. We all had great fun.

It was the ever sensitive K who caught me off guard. At one point, she said, "Hey, why do you look so sad?"

Did I really? I think I've been like this for too long. Getting bored easily. Never be able to fully enjoy the good company of my beloved friends. Just wanting to be lost in my thoughts. And so I did.

To make things worse, it was his birthday yesterday - two days after mine. And so all the unwelcomed memories came up again.

Joyeux anniversaire.

Friday, December 19, 2008


How difficult can it be? Surely we change things, ideas, tastes, jobs, apartment, diet, even partneres/lovers as often as we like.
But what about behaviours? personalities?
Our personalites affect how we behave. What if one day the love of your life left you because of he/she cannot bear with the major flaws of your personality? Would you, could you change how you behave in order to please him/her?
I'm sure we are all willing to "do something, anything" for love. But for how long? Can we really transform ourselves into an all-new person and stay happily ever after? Or are we just a selfish person who would not leave the comfort of our old habits. Are we afraid of losing our identity if we adopt changes? And why should we be the one who change? Why can't the other change for us?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Les Bons souvenirs


Le Pays Basque.

Elle est en vacances. La plage, le soleil, la mer. La montagne, la vague, le vent. De la cuisine Basque, de la glace, de la sangria. Bien sûr, c’est la recette des bonnes vacances et elle le sait. Elle est là mais elle pense toujours à Paris. Elle pense à lui.

Une semaine après, elle retourne à Paris. Beaucoup a changé chez lui. Il y a des nouveaux meubles, un nouvel ordinateur. Des nouveaux vêtements, une nouvelle paire de baskets. Dans la cuisine, les plats, les tasses, même les fourchettes et les cuillères - tous sont nouveaux. Et puis, les trucs avec ses guitares marchent bien finalement. Il dit « Tu vois, les choses s’améliorent peu à peu, non ? » Il y a aussi le régime. Maintenant, après le régime végétarien, le « sans produits laitiers », il en suit un nouveau. Cette fois ci, c’est « sans gluten ». Son médecin lui a dit qu’il est allergique du gluten et c’est pour ça qu’il est souvent malade. Elle trouve que c’est drôle mais elle ne dit rien.

Pendant les jours qui suivent, il semble que tout a changé. Il apparaît plus à laisse avec elle. C’est bizarre. Quand ils étaient en couple, il était facilement énervé. Toutes les choses pouvaient l’ennuyer. La distance. Le fait qu’ils ne savaient pas quand ils pourront se revoir. Son boulot. Sa vie sociale colorée - trop colorée avec les fêtes sans arrêt et des hommes autour d’elle. Sa fidélité. Sa confiance. Les incertitudes. Le manque d’argent.

C’est vrai que tout le monde lui a dit que ça ne marche pas. Même lui, surtout lui. Finalement ils se sont séparés. Il a dit qu’il ne pouvait plus supporter une relation comme ça. Peut-être c’est mieux s’ils restent amis.

Le dernier jour à Paris. Il pleut. Donc, elle ne bouge pas. En regardant la pluie qui frappe la fenêtre, elle espère secrètement un miracle. Une décision de dieu qui tombe du ciel qui peut changer sa vie.

La nuit tombe. Il n’y a aucun miracle. Elle part de son appartement pour l’aéroport. Il l’accompagne jusqu’au Métro, sans un mot. Elle ne supporte pas le silence. Mais elle n’arrive pas trouver les bons mots. Elle sait que quelque soit qu’elle dise, cela risque d’être une insulte pour lui.

Dans le train à Roissy, les autres passagers sont excités de leurs voyages. Pour elle, le retour à Hong Kong ne l’excite jamais. Ca veut dire une séparation de nouveau. En réfléchissant, ses larmes coulent. Elle prend conscience que cette fois ci, c’est vraiment fini. Et ça la rend triste.

Maintenant, elle ne peut que garder les bons souvenirs. Les petits riens, en fait.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last night I dreamt that somebody...

Another sleepless night.

I blame it on the coffees that I had this afternoon. I can also blame it on stress and nervousness - tomorrow's my first day back to work after a ten-day hiatus. I can most certainly blame it on the after effects of the surgery.

But of course I know I am the only one to blame.

Why do I still care? Why is he still lingering in my head? Why do I still weep in the middle of the night? Why?

The same thing happened a couple of nights after the surgery. As I had the luxury of staying home and do nothing, I finally managed to catch up on my sleep. Which also means I had the luxury to have dreams, lots of it. And there he was. I wasn't surprised to see him there. Nothing dramatic happened. It was so uneventful that it felt good.

When I woke up, I just wanted to take the next plane to see him. I even searched on the web to find out how much the flight would cost.

Well, in the end I stayed put. Obviously it would have been the most stupid thing to do. But the fact that I actually thought about doing it made me ill at ease for a couple of days.

I have been telling myself that one day I will be able to look back and laugh about it. But when will that day arrive? Right now, I still do not have the strength to step out of this mess.

Monday, September 29, 2008


How simple things can bring us great pleasure and quietly leave a mark in our lives always amazes me.

I went out for dinner with my two best friends the other night. I saw artichoke on the menu and ordered it as my starter without much thought. Artichoke is not the most common food in this corner of the world and so my friends were quite surprised to see a plant landing on the table. As I told them where to buy, how to cook and eat this curious thing, I realised why I ordered this.

Ten days in Paris. We were skint. We had simple food. Good food. Toasts and half-boiled eggs. Croissants and pains aux chocolats. Chocolats. More chocolats. Yaouts. Artichokes. Broccoli. More veggies. Chinese fried rice. 

We were so happy. 

Unfortunately that didn't last. 

And that artichoke-eating evening made me wonder when will I finally walk out of this shadow.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


近幾次旅行都是在秋冬交替之時,而基於要扮有型而盡量少穿兩件衣服,於是經常處於瑟縮狀態,並未能盡享旅程,所以今年決定要在夏天出發,準備到法國南部享受地中海的陽光。怎料原本一起同行的朋友因公務在身而不能成事。正在苦惱是否又要等到入秋才可出遊之際,一位法國朋友跟我說,法國南部雖好,然而 Saint Tropez、尼斯、康城等熱點卻越來越遊客氾濫了,建議我去 Le Pays Basque,即法國西南部一帶的巴斯克地區。說那兒也風景優美,當地人態度親切,食物美味,還有大西洋的陽光與海灘,最重要的是沒有南部那麼媚俗。聽罷真叫他做領隊,立刻帶我去,最後當然沒有,but that's another story。最終還是一人成團,再次獨自上路。


假期只有兩星期,而貪心的我又想借故逗留巴黎幾天,順道購物和探朋友,於是只選擇 Bayonne Biarritz 兩個落腳點。首站是 Bayonne,由巴黎乘 TGV 高速火車約需五小時。預早在網上訂票可以找到便宜一點的 iDTGV 車票,並省卻了排隊輪侯和語言不通等難題,美中不足的是班次選擇不多,例如這一程便只有早上七時十五分的一班!從朋友十九區的家乘 tro Montparnasse 火車站,足足要一句鐘。對於討厭早起的我,這可謂是全程的「污點」。

但晨早上車的好處就是中午時分已經到達目的地了。下車後迅速到酒店 check-in,放下行李便出外覓食。入住的 Hotel Adour 距離火車站不遠,步行兩分鐘便到,而且雖然不是五星級酒店,但也十分舒適整潔,內裡布置亦都很有心思。那是星期天,意外地看到很多餐廳均開門營業,想必然是這裡有頗多遊客吧。至於其他商店,則大部分都關了門,有些甚至星期一也休息呢。其實 Bayonne 很易行,大部分的商店都集中在 Rue du Pont NeufRue Victor Hugo Rue de l’Orbe 一帶,而大教堂也就在附近。沿著 La Nive 河兩岸,則佈滿餐廳,主攻海鮮及地區菜式。

第二天早上到了當地旅遊局,看看有否合適的一日遊。然而選擇不多,有點失望,只有巴士團 ── 即是與一班通常是退休人士的團友上車、到達目的地、自行找節目那種。最終選了西班牙 Guggenheim Museo Bilbao 一日遊,隔天出發。

之後在到市中心遊蕩,看到數間朱古力專門店,原來巴斯克人是從當年發現新大陸的西班牙探險家那裡,學會用可可豆製造朱古力的。二話不說,便買下我一向喜愛的 orangettes,黑朱古力包裹著橙皮,是經典口味,不過沒有立即試食,留待回巴黎時與朋友分甘同味。

逛著逛著,發現這兒真的頗多遊客,不過還是以歐美人士居多,當中大部分是法國本土和西班牙自遊人。亞洲人嘛,看來不超過十人。於是我頓時變成奇珍異獸之一,坐在露天咖啡座的伯伯高聲對我說 konichiwa… … 令我想起數年前我的法文老師跟我們說,雖然他已來港工作多年,但每次回家省親,他的鄉親父老總是問他:「你還在香港工作嗎?日本人是怎樣的?」他早已放棄解釋了。而我當然心有不甘,立時向伯伯搖頭說non,料不到他竟然改口問我是否韓國人!

令人驚喜的是 Musée Basque et de l’Histoire de Bayonne ﹝巴斯克及Bayonne歷史博物館﹞。來一廂情願的以為會是老套死板地陳列著悶蛋的文物,豈料這所由一幢古老巴斯克建築物改建而成的博物館,外貌古典,內裡卻頗現代化。現代化者,當然並不是指館內的歷史藏品,而是其佈局、燈光、裝置、展覽流程等,實在花了不少心思和創意。總的來說,是一個內容充實,有內涵有趣味,並賞心悅目的展覽。

相比之下,馳名的 Museo Guggenheim Bilbao 就比較令我失望。論規模、知名度,古根漢理所當然的跑贏九條街,而 Frank Gehry 的建築也確實出色,可是館內的展品,卻真有點反高潮。長駐館內的展品有美籍藝術家 Richard Serra 分別1997 2005 年,特別為博物館創作的 site-specific 作品 Snake The Matter of Time。龐大的場地,聳立了數組由鋼板製成的巨型雕塑,遊走在這迷宮之中,觀者可有甚麼體驗呢?或許在當年是頗為震撼和破格的,可是到了 2008 年,我們已看過太多類同的藝術作品了,無甚驚喜。同期舉行的還有 Juan Muñoz 回顧展及 Surreal Things 超現實主義展覽。Juan Muñoz 的人像雕塑,令我想起近年的大陸話題藝術家岳敏君的大口仔,絕對不是我杯茶。還是比較喜歡超現實,能夠看到達利﹝Salvador Dalí﹞的龍蝦電話及 Mae West 紅唇梳化;René MagritteJoan Miró Marx Ernst 等超現實祖宗的畫作,還有 Jean Cocteau 的美女與野獸電影片段,算是一種補償吧。

Bayonne 最後的一個晚上,到了酒店附近的餐廳,年輕的店員看見我一副遊客模樣,便熱情的送上數本當地的吃喝玩樂指南給我,可惜只能夠告訴他,我已經沒有時間去探索這些地方了,或許留待下次吧。

臨離開前與酒店老闆娘閒聊,她說確實很少亞洲人到 Bayonne間中會有日本和韓國人。話題接著扯到各國旅客的特色,與及我們一般持有的成見,確然與最近Expedia旅遊網站的調查結果大致相同。

根據老闆娘的貼士,到 Biarritz 坐巴士比火車較為方便,果然沒錯,連等車時間,不足一小時便已到達 Biarritz 市中心。一下車已經感受到與 Bayonne 截然不同的氣氛。Bayonne 比較寧靜祥和,Biarritz 則較有朝氣,亦更像一個旅遊點。

酒店就在沙灘附近,步行不消五分鐘便到。街上盡是酒吧、餐廳、雪糕店、紀念品店等。人嘛,剛上水、赤著腳、拿著滑浪板的 surfers,一家大小的遊客,三五成群放暑假的歐美青年,上至七十下至三歲的當地人,大家都非常悠閒自在,享受著陽光帶來的度假氣氛。

由於在 Bayonne 最後一日天氣並不太好,所以一看到如此陽光普照的場景,便急不及待換上小背心熱褲人字拖墨鏡,入鄉隨俗一番。

Biarritz 能成為法國以至歐洲上流人士的度假勝地,有賴拿破崙三世的皇后 Eugénie,原籍西班牙的她,從小就每年都與家人到 Biarritz 度假。貴為皇后之後,依然沒有忘記這漂亮的地方,就在 1854 年帶著皇夫到這兒。拿破崙三世一踏足便愛上此地,還在翌年建了 Villa Eugénie。從此 Biarritz 便一舉成名,直到現在,達官貴人、名人明星都愛到這兒度假。此外,美國篇劇 Peter Viertel 1956 年將滑浪帶到這兒,令 Biarritz 成為歐洲首個滑浪地點。

Biarritz 碰到的人都很友善,酒店對面的餐廳有位穿著傳統巴斯克服裝﹝beret、頸巾、紅色、白色、綠色﹞的伯伯每天負責煮理 paella,不用煮飯的時候,他就坐在附近的露天咖啡座與鄰居朋友談天。每次我經過,他都熱烈地打招呼。我覺得他 exotic 之餘,相信他也覺得我這亞洲人更為 exotic 吧。此外,每天我也到酒店附近的 Ventilo 咖啡店吃早餐,女店主第二天便已記得我,我叫了法包和咖啡,她隨即笑說:「和昨天一樣嘛?」與一般認為法國人都是高傲的,並不符合。我們廣東人都說一樣米養百樣人,或許就是這意思吧。

第一晚到了酒店隔鄰的餐廳吃了很美味的 poulet Basquaise,雞肉嫩滑,即使雞胸部分也不覺得韌。巴斯克菜式多以大量甜椒、蕃茄煮成惹味的醬汁,令我想起廣東菜的蕃茄煮紅衫魚!

始終都要買點東西才安樂,其實出發前已想著必要買兩樣巴斯克特產:朱古力和 espardrilles﹝由幼麻繩做成鞋底、縫上帆布做面﹞。當然 Bayonne 的火腿和 Espelette的辣椒也很出名,很好吃,可是未免有點不便攜帶吧。之前在 Bayonne 時已買了一小包 orangettes 朱古力。在 Biarritz 逛街時見到一所名Daranatz* 的店子,窗櫥吸引我的不是一顆顆 ganachetruffle 等精緻朱古力,始終這些是在法國「應有」的。令我目不轉睛的是一排排的朱古力,與我們慣常見到的不同之處,在於那螢光色的包裝紙。對,一排排螢光色的朱古力!螢光橙、粉紅、綠、黃,亦都有正常的黑色… …而那些螢光紙,令我想起多年前惠康百佳貼在門口,用來展示貨品價錢的海報。我選擇了螢光橙和粉紅,分別是有 Espelette 辣椒的黑朱古力和純黑朱古力,兩種都很好味,可惜不知何時才再可嚐到。

* Daranatz 是法國大報 Le Point 的 food and travel writer Gilles Pudlowski 也推介的,雖然這是後來才知道的。

逗留在 Biarritz 期間,適逢是 La Fête de l’Océan﹝姑且譯為海洋節﹞,其中一個沙灘 Plage de la Côte-des-Basques,一連數晚舉行 Caseta 會,當地的餐廳酒吧夜店進駐沙灘上一列列的帳蓬,提供食的飲的聽的,好不熱鬧。而那就是我 Biarritz 之行的最後一個節目了。

總的來說,其實在 Bayonne Biarritz 都並沒有太多精采的事情做,但能夠放下大城市的壓力,輕鬆地慵懶地放假,也不就是最好的享受嗎?


話也得說回頭,巴黎仍然是可愛的,每一次去都有新事物新感覺。出發往 Bayonne 之前,在朋友巴黎家中小住數天。碰巧六月二十一日是每年一度的 Fête de la Musique在法國各大小城市的每一個角落都有不同形式的音樂節目,由早上一直到深夜。我倆先到蒙馬特逛,有 DJ 打碟,大家就在烈日當空之下,跟隨 techno 節奏舞動。走到另一個街角,一位結他手彈著拉丁風味的樂曲,以吸引了不少途人圍觀。最後在鐵塔附近的 Trocadéro 公園,欣賞露天音樂會,而就在那兒,我拍下了人生第一張艾非爾鐵塔的照片。

離開法國前一日,朋友帶我去巴黎東面的 Bercy 區,那公園很美,有學生坐在草地上看書做功課,當然也有熱情雙擁的愛侶,還有一家大小的。而奇景是有很多跟著寧靜的公園格格不入的 rock 友經過,原來是晚上 Iron Maiden 在附近的 Bercy 體育館舉行演唱會。奇景二是有位西裝骨骨的先生行到玫瑰園仔細欣賞,並不時停下來嗅一嗅花香,很小王子,很浪漫,很法蘭西 ── 我知你一定會笑我崇外媚法,但我只是在想為甚麼我們香港人好像不懂、不會這樣欣賞和珍惜身邊美麗的東西呢?


就在北站﹝Gare du Nord﹞往機場的火車上,眼涙不自覺地流下… …究竟下個旅程會在何時?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Recycling your clothes, it's possible !

I have a friend who always says "oh but you can wear them for ten years" whenever we remark on her extravagant shopping. I used to laugh at her lame excuse and said nobody does that nowadays. Just admit it, we aren't that environmental-conscious.

But the other day I found myself actually still wearing clothes I bought ages ago. A white, mid-length coat and a pencil skirt which I bought eleven years ago! But during most of those eleven years, I couldn't wear them as I had gained so much weight I couldn't even button / zip up. Yes, it was that serious. And for some mysterious reasons, I returned to the same size as before and am now able to wear some of my favourite old clothes. Time to dig out some hidden treasures in the wardrobe. I think there was another pencil skirt and chinos that can "come out" soon.

There is hope.

Although, I don't think I can give up shopping, yet. If I don't buy new things now, how can I save them for future ! ;p

Retail therapy

Bought a pair of shoes on Friday. 

Blue, patent and lambskin, high heels, Chloe. Cost me a fortune (call me cheap or what you will) but made me happy.

Inflation, inflation, inflation ? Almost all of the shoes in the shop starts from a price tag of HK$4,000. Clothes are worse, HK$10,000 seems to be the average.  I guess I won't go shopping for a while.

Normally I am not a big spender. I think HK$3,000 for shoes is quite a lot. And I am not into designer handbags. Well, can't afford, more like... But then sometimes it is like I am drawn into this vicious circle. What I want is simply to buy shoes that are pretty and of good quality that are good to go to work. That's when you notice some high street shops are selling mediocre shoes that will not last for a season (in terms of style and quality) at HK$800 - HK$1,000. So, buying brand name stuff seems to be a logical move. But then brand name goods don't start at HK$1,000. The thing is, when you start spending HK$2,500, then HK$3,000 for a "nicer" pair of shoes doesn't seem too extravagant. 

So now the bar is raised one more time, HK$4,500 ! I blame it on my recent super stressed work situation... Yes, I was weak.

And hopeless.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have been short-sighted ever since I was eight or nine years old. I rely on my glasses all the time, obviously. 

Lately my friends have been telling me I'm not seeing things clearly. Maybe my glasses are tinted. Maybe my glasses are covered with condensation as I come out from a chilly mall. Maybe I simply need to get a new pair. Maybe... 

On a good day, I am thankful for my friends' recommendations. At other times, I just wonder how would anyone know what is good for me? 

"How could anybody say they know how I feel? The only one around here who is me, is me." (Morrissey)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


笑話一則 aka one of my first fashion disasters

正在看北京奧運閉幕儀式(依然抗拒用「閉幕式」),各國運動員興高采烈地進場。鏡頭一閃,是肯亞的運動員,令我想起陳年往事一則… …

時為老好的八十年代,我還是無知的小學生一個。某天從電視得知 Bermuda shorts 乃來季大熱,跟著便以時裝界代表身分,向小鄰居耀武揚威一番,向他們解釋何謂百慕達短褲。怎料,得來的反應是:「甚麼百慕達短褲?那我這件豈不是肯亞波恤?」經驗尚淺的我,完全招架不來,只有紅著臉,在哈哈哈哈的恥笑聲中,氣憤地走開,心裡說:「不識貨,我不跟你們玩!」

我當然從來沒有著過百慕達短褲,至於肯亞波恤嘛,不就是你我他她牠都擁有無數件的普通T一件囉… …