Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之二:一個電話 | Mis(s)Adventure, trial and tribulation 2: a phone call




別誤會,說這句話的朋友們,絕對「身家清白」,並不是甚麼有背境人士。我們都是斯文人,沒有殺人放火的習慣。只是,那位令我失落無比的人,嚴格來講,是非法勞工一名… … 於是,疼愛我的朋友,只是想替我出頭,打電話到入境處,警惡逞奸、除暴安良而已。

姊妹們對我的關心,我真的非常感激。而且這樣戲劇性的發展,也著實有趣 ── 如果那不是發生在自己身上的話… …


“You know, I can make him disappear with just a phone call.”

Seriously, this is not a line from the movies. My friend actually said that to me.

To cut a long story short, lately someone has been making my life miserable and so I talked to my dear friends about it. Not only did they offer much needed consolation and sharp suggestions, a few of them eagerly gave me that promise and said it with such conviction.

Don’t get it wrong. My friends are no mafia. None of us has the habit of killing or hurting people. It’s just that the one who left me so hapless, is strictly speaking, not legal in Hong Kong. My friends simply wanted to do the right thing: to help me and to teach him a lesson by calling the Immigration Department.

I of course must thank my friends for standing by my side. And to be honest, such drama is quite irresistible – if only I’m not in it.

How could I want that to happen?