Monday, September 29, 2008


How simple things can bring us great pleasure and quietly leave a mark in our lives always amazes me.

I went out for dinner with my two best friends the other night. I saw artichoke on the menu and ordered it as my starter without much thought. Artichoke is not the most common food in this corner of the world and so my friends were quite surprised to see a plant landing on the table. As I told them where to buy, how to cook and eat this curious thing, I realised why I ordered this.

Ten days in Paris. We were skint. We had simple food. Good food. Toasts and half-boiled eggs. Croissants and pains aux chocolats. Chocolats. More chocolats. Yaouts. Artichokes. Broccoli. More veggies. Chinese fried rice. 

We were so happy. 

Unfortunately that didn't last. 

And that artichoke-eating evening made me wonder when will I finally walk out of this shadow.

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