Saturday, October 6, 2012

Birthday Pavlova

Haven't done much cooking lately. Too many excuses - work too late, tired, too many social gatherings, mom doesn't like me messing up HER kitchen, etc. In other words, simply can't be bothered. 

Well well well. It's mom's birthday today and so I should do something for her and she can't complaint about me messing her space. 

To be honest, I didn't really have time to plan anything. I knew I could always make tiramisu which I'm sure she likes but I do want to try something new. 

To boldly go then...

Raspberry ripple pavlova - recipe from BBC Good Food:

It should look pristine white with whirls of red from the raspberry... But mine is like this:

I knew it's not working when that sweet but definitely burnt smell filled the flat half way through the baking. My meringue was out of control. It's brown (well, half burnt) outside but still soft inside. 

But I ran out of sugar and time. I just had to serve it. Mom was as lovely and loving as ever, she still said it tasted good. Dad was more honest though :p

Maybe I should make a tiramisu tomorrow. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

閱讀報告二:The Map and the Territory

記得曾經有朋友常常問我何解總是喜歡聽depressing music,並懷疑我終有一日會刀仔拮大脾。其實我也有喜歡的uplifting、開心的音樂,只是大家好像認為我只聽令人消沉的歌曲吧。


我鍾意Michel Houellebecq的小說。而,看完他的書,十之八九都會感到人生似乎沒有太多樂趣和希望。

The Map and the Territory (La Carte et le territoire) Houellebecq最新近作品為他奪取2010年岡古獎 (Prix Goncourt,法國文壇一大榮譽)。故事講述藝術家Jed Martin的一生和他的藝術創作。Jed Martin是一個寂寞的人,只是他並不覺得這樣有何不妥。他沒朋友,也不需要朋友。成名後帶來的財富也好像對他無甚影響。後來他因為籌備個人展覽,因緣際會認識了名作家Michel Houellebecq (!)。兩人好像惺惺相惜,但又談不上是朋友。然後有日,這個Michel Houellebecq被謀殺 … …

當然,這書其實不是甚麼crime fiction (Houellebecq對這類小說好像十分鄙視)。和他之前的小說一樣,主題離不開生命的無奈:對感情的無奈、對年老的無奈。

沒錯,這書真的很灰。但更灰的是,書這麼快便看完了,不知幾時才可讀他的新作 … …



Île flottante

Île flottante,浮島,floating island是也,有時亦稱為œufs à la neige (雪中蛋),是傳統法國甜品。蛋白加糖打至企身,在加入了雲呢拿的奶煮熟,待涼後浮在crème anglaise上,再淋上焦糖汁。

每次見到餐牌有île flottante,我都必定會叫來吃。


有一晚你帶我到十三區一間小餐廳。那是我第一次知道Le Pays Basque和那兒的菜式是怎樣的。餐廳的氣氛熱鬧友善,食物也很不錯。最重要的是,和你談得很開心。


你想吃的就是île flottante

數年後,和你相處下來,才發現原來甜品是你的Archilles heel
