I'm writing this while still recovering from the bliss and hangover from last night's party.
At first I was only expecting a small gathering with a few friends over a couple of drinks. As it turned out, I'm lucky enough to have more than a few friends. Even the one I least expected to see (but secretly hoped for) made it finally.
Drinks downed, conversations flowed, jokes cracked, laughter echoed, hugs and kisses exchanged. What else do you need?
"Happy birthday and merry Christmas"
Yes, I'm stuck with that all my life. And I'm glad you said that.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dream on
I used to like dreaming. It often brought me to a fantasy world full of interesting things and people.
As I get older, dreams don't come so easily. Most of the time I can't even afford a 5-hour sleep. Dreams have slowly become a luxury for me these days.
Then suddenly one night last week, I dreamt. I dreamt of him. He who left suddenly for two weeks. I dreamt that he's back. Back for good.
Obviously it was too good to be true. I knew it even before I woke up.
A few hours later I got his email.
This is the kind of coincidence that I love and hate. Love that I seem to be one step closer. Hate that it's all just a dream.
And then I thought, have I missed all the wake up calls? Should I have left all this behind long ago?
"I sigh when you sigh". Really?
As I get older, dreams don't come so easily. Most of the time I can't even afford a 5-hour sleep. Dreams have slowly become a luxury for me these days.
Then suddenly one night last week, I dreamt. I dreamt of him. He who left suddenly for two weeks. I dreamt that he's back. Back for good.
Obviously it was too good to be true. I knew it even before I woke up.
A few hours later I got his email.
This is the kind of coincidence that I love and hate. Love that I seem to be one step closer. Hate that it's all just a dream.
And then I thought, have I missed all the wake up calls? Should I have left all this behind long ago?
"I sigh when you sigh". Really?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Where is the light?
I was talking to my colleague this afternoon and she suddenly asked, "Do you realize it's 29 October already?"
Time flies. It seems like yesterday that we're having fun on the boat, enjoying the summer sun. And look now, we're all set for the Christmas promotions.
And I'm still in that awful mess. I can't believe it's been more than six months.
It only took two months or so to send me from heaven to hell... And I'm still there. It will probably go on like this for a very long time.
Do I really want to get out of this? I don't know any more.
Silly. You said.
Time flies. It seems like yesterday that we're having fun on the boat, enjoying the summer sun. And look now, we're all set for the Christmas promotions.
And I'm still in that awful mess. I can't believe it's been more than six months.
It only took two months or so to send me from heaven to hell... And I'm still there. It will probably go on like this for a very long time.
Do I really want to get out of this? I don't know any more.
Silly. You said.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Reading Michel Houellebecque ‧ 解讀Michel Houellebecque
Michel Houellebecque, one of my favourite French writers. His thoughts and views are very unique and controversial. And I like the way he tells a story. Below is an article about Houellebecque from this issue's Paroles.
Michel Houellebecque 是我很喜歡的法國作家。他的思想、見解很獨特。說故事的方式也頗有趣。當然,我未夠斤兩去解讀他。以下是今期《Paroles 東西譚》的文章。
P.S. The latest Iggy Pop album Préliminaires was inspired by Houellebecque’s novel La Possibilité d’une île (The Possibility of an Island).
Michel Houellebecq est un optimiste !
Michel Houellebecq est un homme aux visages multiples. Poète, écrivain, scénariste, réalisateur, il lui arrive aussi d’être chanteur, plus exactement de poser sa voix sur de la musique. Décalé, grinçant, agressif parfois, il est en tout cas une passion bien française. La sortie d’un de ses livres est un événement qui éclipse systématiquement le reste de l’actualité littéraire. La critique s’emballe. Pour certains, c’est un génie, un Camus, un Céline. Pour d’autres, c’est un poseur, un dandy imposteur. La critique passe son temps à chercher s’il est de droite ou de gauche, raciste ou misogyne, partouzeur ou pédophile. Et si, de tout cela, Michel Houellebecq n’avait que faire, si ce n’est que de savamment brouiller les pistes pour entretenir sa propre légende ? Car enfin, que propose-t-il qui à ce point divise la critique d’une façon tellement inconciliable ? Que nous dit-il de tellement irritant ? La réponse à ces questions est forcément complexe et plurielle, tant l’homme est fluide et se complait à échapper aux habituelles simplifications.
Avant tout, on peut lire les romans de Michel Houellebecq comme une entreprise esthétique cohérente qui s’emploie à déplacer notre perspective sur le monde contemporain. Dans un style de narration assez classique, il nous invite dans une ambiance de romans d’anticipation et sur le ton de l’humour tragique à nous arrêter un instant. Michel Houellebecq demande simplement à ses lecteurs de couper le téléphone, d’éteindre la télévision et de ne rien acheter pendant quelques instants en faisant « un pas de coté », et, dans ce décalage, de sentir la puissance de l’individu qui appréhende le monde du dehors de l’aliénation marchande. Pour lui, c’est ce pas de coté qui redonne du sens, qui nous fait reprendre conscience que la liberté de choix n’est pas la liberté, que libéralisé ne veut pas dire libre. Deux thèmes parallèles sont au cœur de l’enfer houellebecqien du présent : la marchandisation et le sexe. Pour lui le libéralisme économique comme le libéralisme sexuel crée des effets de paupérisation absolue. À la misère et au chômage répondent l’onanisme et la solitude. À la source de l’œuvre, donc, il y a la souffrance. Et la transformation du champ de la séduction en marché libéralisé en fait une souffrance d’ordre sexuel (Extension du domaine de la lutte, 1994), dont Michel Houellebecq entrevoit deux solutions possibles. Tout d’abord, dans un élan proche du bouddhisme, il s’agit d’anéantir la source du mal, le désir. Michel Houellebecq voit la science – la reproduction non sexuée, par clonage – comme une possible éradication du désir et des excès qu’il entraine (Les particules élémentaires, 1998). L’autre solution est l’institutionnalisation d’une économie planétaire du désir (Plateforme, 2001). Ainsi, en faisant un travail d’anticipation autour de sujets sensibles – clonage humain, tourisme sexuel, terrorisme – les romans de Michel Houellebecq font scandales. La critique l’accuse des pires excès et les noms d’oiseaux fusent sans retenue. Il y a autour de lui une tendance lourde à associer l’auteur d’un roman aux propos de son narrateur. Tendance qu’accentuent les louvoiements volontaires et certainement amusés de l’écrivain. Pourtant, si scandale il y a, c’est moins dans le futur proche que dans les prémisses qui y conduisent, à savoir le monde actuel. En pénétrant l’absurdité mercantile de la société moderne d’un regard analytique extrêmement précis, Michel Houellebecq ne fait que pousser au bout de sa logique le monde tel qu’il le lit et donne à ses lecteurs la distance critique nécessaire face au culte de la jouissance, logique culturelle du capitalisme tardif (Chassay, nc). Il cerne une société libérale dont le domaine de lutte s’étend désormais aux relations humaines dans leur quête d’amour et de sexualité débridée, sur fond de domination, de pouvoir financier, de peur et de mort (Robitaille, 2004).
Or, on trouve dans la charge de Michel Houellebecq contre l’idéologie du désir une rupture générationnelle qui explique une partie de la rage critique qu’il déclenche, en France en tout cas. Après 1945, la société occidentale s’est orientée vers une croissance exponentielle du monde du désir dont le point d’orgue idéologique se situe au tournant des années 1970. On croit alors que la consommation résoudra le problème du désir. Or, devant l’infini des possibilités de consommation, cette société n’arrive plus aujourd’hui à cacher son ennui, et est incapable de produire des valeurs allant au-delà de l’égotisme et d’un narcissisme socialement destructeur (Chassay, nc). Michel Houellebecq profane ainsi le régime du désir que des slogans comme « il est interdit d’interdire » ou « jouir sans entrave » ont durablement installé dans l’imaginaire social libéral. Il est systématiquement en porte à faux avec celles et ceux qui ont inventé ces slogans car il postule l’impossibilité du désir comme projet culturel universel et condamne le culte de la jeunesse (Abecassis, 2000). On l’accuse de toutes les perversités alors qu’il est le fossoyeur d’une idéologie de la consommation qui fait du sexe la réponse hédoniste au nihilisme existentiel (Versterberg, 2003). C’est le monde que Michel Houellebecq veut regarder dans sa propre nudité pour remettre de la hauteur dans le projet somme toute un peu mièvre de recherche du bonheur à tout prix.
En s’attaquant avec une lucidité infernale à la téléologie du quotidien imposé par le relativisme postmoderne, Michel Houellebecq constate un échec existentiel qui fait écho à l’échec de la société de consommation à créer du sens. Il n’y a plus chez lui d’alibi pour consommer, et le héros moderne doit s’orienter sur le chemin de la connaissance (Abecassis, 2000). La position de Michel Houellebecq est en fait une oscillation entre deux états de réception, la dépression et la sérénité. Le premier, négatif, correspond à la mélancolie de la perte du monde et de la fatigue d’être soi qui donnent un aspect noir et obscur à ses romans. Le second est au contraire nourri de l’espérance d’un monde meilleur et d’une confiance inébranlable en l’être humain au contraire du cynisme que trop de critiques rapides veulent voir en lui (Monnin, 2002). Michel Houellebecq n’est pas un nihiliste. C’est un idéaliste déçu dont le messianisme scientifique et la confiance dans le progrès renvoie au moralisme des Lumières du 18ème siècle. Enfin, Michel Houellebecq est l’auteur français contemporain le plus lu dans le monde. Ces romans sont traduits dans une trentaine de langues et ce succès sans doute confirme la justesse de sa position. Car, si Michel Houellebecq s’attache au départ à la dépression de l’homme occidental, et, les mêmes causes produisant les mêmes effets, le phénomène de mondialisation économique contemporain entraine la mondialisation du sentiment de dépossession, de perte de soi et d’inadéquation au monde comme il va dont il s’est fait le hérault. La globalisation du capitalisme rend universelle la froide lucidité houellebecqienne. Et la crise financière actuelle donne une nouvelle acuité à son analyse. Il est celui qui le mieux, raconte la réalité de ce libéralisme global amoral qu’on a pu croire émancipateur, et qui est devenu la condition de l’homme moderne. Il nous rappelle que le bonheur ne sortira pas d’un téléphone gadget ou d’un écran plat. Michel Houellebecq propose donc, sous couvert de romans d’anticipation, une phénoménologie du quotidien et une eschatologie métaphysique dont on sort un peu triste, mais plus lucide. C’est pour cela que, pour le meilleur et pour le pire (Monnin, 2001), il faut lire Houellebecq.
首先,閱讀米歇爾.烏艾爾貝克的小說,彷彿面對一個嚴謹完美的事物,它竭力把我們的眼光轉向當今世界。他以傳統的敘事風格將我們帶到幻想小說的氣氛中,悲劇性的諷刺口吻常令讀者稍停片刻。其實他只是要求讀者暫時不打電話、關掉電視機並暫時停止購物,稍稍“退後一步”,在這後退一步的空隙中,來感受個人對外面這個商品異化的世界的理解的力量。對他而言,這挪動的一步深含意義,令我們明白選擇的自由並非自由,自由化並非自由。在烏艾爾貝克現實地獄的中心有兩個平行的主題:商品化和性。他認為經濟自由化和性自由化一樣,製造絕對的貧困。對貧窮與失業的回應是自慰和孤獨。作品的源頭是痛苦。由誘惑轉向自由化市場,這種轉變產生性的痛苦(Extension du domaine de la lutte, 1994),對此,他看到兩種解決方法。首先,是極具佛教色彩的,即剷除罪惡的源頭:慾望。他還看到了科學的方法,無性生殖,以無性繁殖來根除慾望及其帶來的暴力(Les particules élémentaires, 1998)。另一種方法是全球色情產業制度化(Plateforme, 2001)。就這樣,他圍繞着這些敏感的題材:複製人類、色情旅遊、恐怖主義等進行創作,他的小說引起公憤,遭到非議。批評家指他宣揚暴力,謾罵之聲四起。對他有這樣一種強烈的傾向,即把他小說中人物的話和小說作者聯繫起來。作者刻意,並津津有味地運用的迂迴曲折手法更加深了這種傾向。然而,即使有不堪入耳的話,亦只針對眼前世界,而少有針對未來。他以極其敏銳的分析眼光透視現代社會功利主義的荒謬,只是將他所觀察的世界推向邏輯的盡頭,並予其讀者在面對這個資本主義社會發展的必然產物:享樂主義時,有一個必要的批判空間(Chassay, nc)。他勾勒出一幅自由主義社會的圖畫,在這個社會中,鬥爭的範圍從此擴展至尋求愛、放縱愛慾的複雜的人際關係中,而這是以權力、財富、恐懼、死亡為背景的(Robitaille, 2004)。
在米歇爾.烏艾爾貝克對性享樂思想的批判中,可見到兩代人的決裂,這部份解釋了他在法國引起的攻擊。1945年後,西方世界人慾橫流,艷幟高張,1970年達至頂峰。人們以為消費可以解決慾望問題,然而在漫無邊際的消費世界面前,今天,這個社會已無法隱藏它自身的苦悶,亦無法產生比孤芳自賞、自戀自大這種對社會具破壞力的情懷更有價值的東西(Chassay, nc)。米歇爾.烏艾爾貝克就這樣,貶斥那慾望的制度,它由“不准禁止”或“盡情享受”這些口號長期地建立在想像的自由社會中。他總是和這些口號的創作者對峙,處境危殆,他宣稱,沉溺於慾望是行不通的,正如文化全球化行不通一樣,並譴責青年的偶像崇拜(Abecassis, 2000)。儘管人們指責他邪惡,道德敗壞,但他卻是消費意識形態的掘墓人,消費思想將性變成一種享樂,以回應存在的虛無 (Versterbert, 2003)。米歇爾.烏艾爾貝克欲赤裸裸地透視這個世界,以便給他仍很稚弱的不惜一切尋求幸福的計劃更高的地位。
他非常清醒地攻擊由後現代相對主義提出的日常目的論,証實了現存的失敗反映了欲創造新意的消費主義社會的失敗。他迴避不了消費這個問題,當代英雄必須在認識的道路上明辨方向(Abecassis, 2000)。米歇爾.烏艾爾貝克其實是在兩種狀態:抑郁消沉及和平安詳之間搖擺。前者是負面的,與世界的沒落和生存的疲憊所引起的憂郁有關,賦予其小說陰郁黑暗的一面。另一面則截然相反,充滿對一個更美好的世界的希望、對人類不可動搖的信念,而遠非某些性急的批評家以為在他身上看到的犬儒主義(Monnin, 2002)。米歇爾.烏艾爾貝克不是一個虛無主義者。他是一個失望的理想主義者,其科學救世以及對進步的信念是十八世紀啟蒙思想家道德主義的迴響。最後,他是當今擁有最多讀者的法國作家,其作品被譯成三十多種語言,這成就確定了他的地位。如果說他以關注西方人的消沉開始,有因必有果,他亦是當代經濟全球化帶來的全球性的被剝奪感、失落感以及與這個世界的不適應感這些現象的預報者。資本主義的全球化令烏艾爾貝克的冷靜、清晰的分析具普世價值。而當下的金融危機更突顯了他的分析。他是將不道德的全球自由主義敘述得最好的一個人,曾幾何時,人們還將它視為人類的解放者,它卻成了現代人的生存條件。他提醒我們幸福不是來自手機、電腦這些小玩意。他借助幻想小說向我們提出了一種日常現象學及一種形而上的末世學,當然在探究一番後,未免令人感到憂愁,但會變得更清醒。因此,是好是歹,都應該讀一讀烏艾爾貝克。
Tu es ma came. You are my drug.
I like Carla Bruni. But, like a lot of people, I was so shocked and disappointed when I learned about her marriage to Sarkozy.
Luckily she didn't give up on singing and song-writing. And this song is my song of the moment. Tu es ma came. I'm totally addicted.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Unexpected 想不到
That night, as usual, he said he couldn't meet up with me. But somehow, I had a bizarre feeling that I would see him.
My friend's sister and brother-in-law were coming back to Hong Kong and we have arranged to meet up after their dinner. Since they're going to have dinner in Wan Chai, so I suggested to go to The Pawn. It wasn't opened yet when they were last here.
After a few rounds of drinks, my friend's sister was whinging that the place is too "gwai lo" and wanted to go to a local bar. Well the few of us who are local actually found it difficult. Is there really a local bar in Wan Chai? We only know about the so-called "gwai lo" places like The Pawn, 1/5. Or, the girlie bars or pick up joints along Lockhart Road and Jaffe Road... At this point, the only white guy among us - the brother-in-law said, "Oh last time S brought us to a local bar - where people play dice games. It's not far from here. I'll show you."
Well, what could we say? So we headed towards Jaffe Road even though we wondered where we're going... Obviously, the mysterious local bar was not to be found. We were near Joe Banana's when we finally gave up. There were two bars upstairs and we just thought we should give it a go. The first one had a live band but it was way too loud to have any conversation there. Once we stepped into the other bar... the words "meat market" popped up. Seeing as none of us had any idea where else to go, we decided to have a drink there.
As we walked towards the bar, time seemed to stand still.
He was there.
I sent a text to him while my friends were ordering. My hands were shaking uncontrollably.
He was with a guy and a girl. Was that his girl friend? Or catch of the day? Honestly, I didn't want to know.
He didn't seem to have seen me but his male friend was staring at me.
In the end my friend saw him too and asked if I wanted them to beat him up. I of course said no, thank you. Not that I wanted to defend him. It's just that I'm a nobody. Who am I to have a say in this? And I've known that for too long...
I wasn't too worked up that night. But still I cried after I got home.
好朋友C的妹妹及妹夫從英國回來,約好了晚飯後見。得知他們在灣仔吃飯,我便提議到 The Pawn。上次他們回來時,好像還未開幕。
酒過三巡,妹妹說這兒太洋化了,建議找間港式酒吧繼續飲。這下可考起我們這班港燦了。在灣仔,較為 up market 的酒吧都很「洋化」,如 The Pawn、1/5 等。而其餘的,就是洛克道、謝斐道一帶的 girlie bars 或 pick up joints。真的不知可以帶他們到哪兒去。怎料身為老外的妹夫卻在此時說:「上次 S 君帶我去了一間 local bar,有人玩骰盅那種呢!就在附近,我帶你們去。」
就這樣,我們一行六人便向謝斐道方向走,縱然大家都滿腹狐疑 ... ... 最後,當然找不到傳聞中的 local bar。行至 Joe Banana's,我們終於放棄,看到樓上也有兩間酒吧,便走上去看個究竟。首先進的一間有 live band,但實在太噪了。下層的一間 ... ... 一行進便有一股濃烈的 meat market 氣息湧上來,很有當年 Fenwick 的風格!但既然一場來到,也不妨喝一杯才走吧。就在行往酒吧的途中,時間彷彿停頓了。
就在朋友 order 啤酒時,我發短訊給他。我的手抖得很厲害。
他和一男一女一起。那是他的女朋友?還是 catch of the day 呢?說實的,我不想知道。
後來朋友 C 都看到他了。她問我要不要替我打他出一口氣。我當然說不。並不是我那麼維護他,只是,我算是老幾呢?憑甚麼呢?
I've been meaning to pick up baking for a while now.
Finally I made these muffins today.
I thought about making a cake for someone's birthday last week. But then I was just so swamped with my freelance stuff the weekend and I had to give up baking once again.
Maybe it's really not meant for him.
Yesterday I managed to find an easy enough recipe for these apple muffins. The only problem was I couldn't find buttermilk in supermarkets.
"Dear Chef, Question - can I replace buttermilk with milk?"
"Probably yogurt, not milk."
In the end my substitute for buttermilk was 1 tablespoon of lemon juice added to the milk. It worked.
But I still couldn't share these with him. He's busy, as usual.
Well, doesn't matter. I'm sure my parents would love to have my homemade goodies.
Finally I made these muffins today.
I thought about making a cake for someone's birthday last week. But then I was just so swamped with my freelance stuff the weekend and I had to give up baking once again.
Maybe it's really not meant for him.
Yesterday I managed to find an easy enough recipe for these apple muffins. The only problem was I couldn't find buttermilk in supermarkets.
"Dear Chef, Question - can I replace buttermilk with milk?"
"Probably yogurt, not milk."
In the end my substitute for buttermilk was 1 tablespoon of lemon juice added to the milk. It worked.
But I still couldn't share these with him. He's busy, as usual.
Well, doesn't matter. I'm sure my parents would love to have my homemade goodies.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A note
I returned home one day to find my dad has left me a note.
And suddenly it dawned on me that my father seldom writes in Chinese. Although he never had the chance to receive proper education (he studied in a primary school for one or two years only), he learned his English while working at an American firm. And since then, English has been his default written language.
I guess this, amongst other things, has made our family kind of "open" to foreign languages. While my parents were not the kind who speak to us in (bad) English and had never forced us to pointlessly memorize new words, we don't dislike English.
We watched English TV programmes and listened to English songs not because our parents wanted us to learn the language but simply because we enjoyed them. Of course that did help us learn new words and expressions but it's never forced and I think that's very important in second language learning.
I notice from my nephew and my friends' kids that nowadays children do have a tendency to "reject" English. My nephew hates it when I switch to an English TV channel. And he would always opt for the Cantonese dubbed version of his favourite Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks animations. Come dictation time, oh dear... This never happened to us.
I'm getting old, whinging too much haha ...
The society still acknowledge that English is important - or should I say getting good grades in English is very important. And so students simply go to a tutorial class to learn from those celebrity tutors all the tips and techniques to excel in public exams...
And suddenly it dawned on me that my father seldom writes in Chinese. Although he never had the chance to receive proper education (he studied in a primary school for one or two years only), he learned his English while working at an American firm. And since then, English has been his default written language.
I guess this, amongst other things, has made our family kind of "open" to foreign languages. While my parents were not the kind who speak to us in (bad) English and had never forced us to pointlessly memorize new words, we don't dislike English.
We watched English TV programmes and listened to English songs not because our parents wanted us to learn the language but simply because we enjoyed them. Of course that did help us learn new words and expressions but it's never forced and I think that's very important in second language learning.
I notice from my nephew and my friends' kids that nowadays children do have a tendency to "reject" English. My nephew hates it when I switch to an English TV channel. And he would always opt for the Cantonese dubbed version of his favourite Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks animations. Come dictation time, oh dear... This never happened to us.
I'm getting old, whinging too much haha ...
The society still acknowledge that English is important - or should I say getting good grades in English is very important. And so students simply go to a tutorial class to learn from those celebrity tutors all the tips and techniques to excel in public exams...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
只是一件很普通的白色長袖Tee。在那風和日麗的下午,人來人往的巴黎街頭,那個笑容,那件白Tee ... ...
重逢已是四年後的一個晚上,我在你家門口等了兩個小時,差點以為老遠乘飛機來到被放飛機,你便從電梯出來,頭髮有點蓬鬆,神情有點憔悴。我並沒有注意到你著的是甚麼衣服,只留意到那鮮艷紅色messenger bag,很襯你。
想得遠了 ... ...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之四: Why are you speaking in Mandarin?
噢,原來是講國語的白人... ... 他想我讓開,好讓他可以行過,去廁所。這麼爛的藉口,真虧他想得出,做得到。
我:Why are you speaking in Mandarin? Can you speak Cantonese?
他:er, no... ##%^#@##%^#@##%^#@ (這是他的國語,別誤會是粗口)
他:Did you just shush me ?
他:You can't shush me !
我:I just did.
他:##%^#@ (依然是他的國語,要講粗口的應該是我)
終於他放棄了,並走到另一班朋友處。耳根清靜,thank god.
#*@#%^%&##@ (這當然是我心裡的說話)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之三: What have I done to deserve this?
某日下午相約朋友在上環見面。我早到了,於是便先去買杯 咖啡。一踏入咖啡店,便見到那站在櫃位前等候他 order 的食物的洋漢把我上下打量,然後還附加淫邪笑容一個。我 心想,帶著黑超的是我,代表我可以肆無忌憚望你而不讓你 知道,not vice versa,低能。然後...
我向服務員 order:一杯 iced latte,唔該。
他向我搭訕:噢,你知唔知今日星期五,如果你要 iced latte,我就有買一送一㗎?
我:(再反眼)哦。唔該一個 croissant 吖。
他:噢弊,佢唔啋我。Total rejection...
他:嚟呢頭 shopping?
我:(大佬,上環 shop 咩 ping 呀。買海參定魚翅呀。不過費事再糾纏)Yeah
幸好這時我的咖啡已經到了,錢亦付過,可以閃開。The moral of the story - 下次反應要快啲,遇到騎呢人士,要即刻扮唔識佢的語言。 佢講英文,你便講廣東話;佢講廣東話,你便講國語;如此 類推。最好就係你轉個頭就同隔離嘅人講佢講的語言,包佢 即時明晒你嘅意思。這是繼「做乜你頭先唔啋我個鬼佬朋友呀?你怕佢多毛呀? 」之後,最騎呢的 pick up line。如果你有更經典的,歡迎與大家分享。
我向服務員 order:一杯 iced latte,唔該。
他向我搭訕:噢,你知唔知今日星期五,如果你要 iced latte,我就有買一送一㗎?
我:(再反眼)哦。唔該一個 croissant 吖。
他:噢弊,佢唔啋我。Total rejection...
他:嚟呢頭 shopping?
我:(大佬,上環 shop 咩 ping 呀。買海參定魚翅呀。不過費事再糾纏)Yeah
幸好這時我的咖啡已經到了,錢亦付過,可以閃開。The moral of the story - 下次反應要快啲,遇到騎呢人士,要即刻扮唔識佢的語言。
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之二:一個電話 | Mis(s)Adventure, trial and tribulation 2: a phone call
別誤會,說這句話的朋友們,絕對「身家清白」,並不是甚麼有背境人士。我們都是斯文人,沒有殺人放火的習慣。只是,那位令我失落無比的人,嚴格來講,是非法勞工一名… … 於是,疼愛我的朋友,只是想替我出頭,打電話到入境處,警惡逞奸、除暴安良而已。
姊妹們對我的關心,我真的非常感激。而且這樣戲劇性的發展,也著實有趣 ── 如果那不是發生在自己身上的話… …
“You know, I can make him disappear with just a phone call.”
Seriously, this is not a line from the movies. My friend actually said that to me.
To cut a long story short, lately someone has been making my life miserable and so I talked to my dear friends about it. Not only did they offer much needed consolation and sharp suggestions, a few of them eagerly gave me that promise and said it with such conviction.
Don’t get it wrong. My friends are no mafia. None of us has the habit of killing or hurting people. It’s just that the one who left me so hapless, is strictly speaking, not legal in Hong Kong. My friends simply wanted to do the right thing: to help me and to teach him a lesson by calling the Immigration Department.
I of course must thank my friends for standing by my side. And to be honest, such drama is quite irresistible – if only I’m not in it.
How could I want that to happen?
別誤會,說這句話的朋友們,絕對「身家清白」,並不是甚麼有背境人士。我們都是斯文人,沒有殺人放火的習慣。只是,那位令我失落無比的人,嚴格來講,是非法勞工一名… … 於是,疼愛我的朋友,只是想替我出頭,打電話到入境處,警惡逞奸、除暴安良而已。
姊妹們對我的關心,我真的非常感激。而且這樣戲劇性的發展,也著實有趣 ── 如果那不是發生在自己身上的話… …
“You know, I can make him disappear with just a phone call.”
Seriously, this is not a line from the movies. My friend actually said that to me.
To cut a long story short, lately someone has been making my life miserable and so I talked to my dear friends about it. Not only did they offer much needed consolation and sharp suggestions, a few of them eagerly gave me that promise and said it with such conviction.
Don’t get it wrong. My friends are no mafia. None of us has the habit of killing or hurting people. It’s just that the one who left me so hapless, is strictly speaking, not legal in Hong Kong. My friends simply wanted to do the right thing: to help me and to teach him a lesson by calling the Immigration Department.
I of course must thank my friends for standing by my side. And to be honest, such drama is quite irresistible – if only I’m not in it.
How could I want that to happen?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mis(s)Adventure 不定期連載之一:一般見識
用最簡單的方法去形容這飯局,就是 dinner for six。出席人數不是重點,所持態度才是。首先男女人數均等,坐位安排指定男女男女,害得我不能和壽星女認真談心誠意賀壽。還有,男的全是洋人,女的香港同胞(內心在爭扎應否用港女這字眼)。明眼人一看,就知是甚麼一回事吧。
接著,惟有談些風花說月,令氣氛輕鬆點。說著說著,談到自己剛剛從法國玩樂回來。英國人便問我是否懂法文,我答 oui。他竟然說,你不能只說一個字便代表懂得法文呢。哈哈,於是我以法文跟他說,我的法文比您的普通話好。(他懂得一點普通話,但和很多洋人一樣,犯了不分聲調的怪病,只有聰明人才能明白他說甚麼。)聽罷他只好說,其實自己完全不諳法語,對面的德國人便充當翻譯,並加多句,which I think is probably true。
最後要向我親愛的壽星女說,不要介懷,其實那晚我很開心,因為很久沒有寸人寸得咁應咁放肆了。That bunch actually made my day ;p
用最簡單的方法去形容這飯局,就是 dinner for six。出席人數不是重點,所持態度才是。首先男女人數均等,坐位安排指定男女男女,害得我不能和壽星女認真談心誠意賀壽。還有,男的全是洋人,女的香港同胞(內心在爭扎應否用港女這字眼)。明眼人一看,就知是甚麼一回事吧。
接著,惟有談些風花說月,令氣氛輕鬆點。說著說著,談到自己剛剛從法國玩樂回來。英國人便問我是否懂法文,我答 oui。他竟然說,你不能只說一個字便代表懂得法文呢。哈哈,於是我以法文跟他說,我的法文比您的普通話好。(他懂得一點普通話,但和很多洋人一樣,犯了不分聲調的怪病,只有聰明人才能明白他說甚麼。)聽罷他只好說,其實自己完全不諳法語,對面的德國人便充當翻譯,並加多句,which I think is probably true。
最後要向我親愛的壽星女說,不要介懷,其實那晚我很開心,因為很久沒有寸人寸得咁應咁放肆了。That bunch actually made my day ;p
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Code-mix overload
It could only happen in Hong Kong.
I went to a seminar on internet marketing last week which made me wonder whether we are truly "bilingual".
The seminar was supposed to be in Cantonese. While I appreciate that most of the participants use both English and Chinese on a daily basis, I started to feel really uneasy 10 minutes into the presentation. All I heard was way too much code-mixing. Indeed, a lot of jargons do not have a good/readily understood Chinese equivalent (in Hong Kong at least). But surely we could have done without dropping fillers like "that's why", "actually" all the time?
Imagine sitting for an hour listening to sentences like this:
that's why 每次 launch 一個 campaign 我地都要 make sure 個 ROI 係高,otherwise 就唔 worth 去做呢個 campaign。
I mean, is it so difficult to translate those English words? After 30 minutes, I gave up. The fact that there was not enough "meat" in the seminar didn't help at all...
While trying to stay awake and look professional for the rest of the seminar, I thought that this could only happen in Hong Kong. In mainland China or in Taiwan, all these terms have a proper Chinese equivalent that people actually use and understand. In Singapore or Malaysia, the seminar would have been in English anyway.
And who can we blame but ourselves? Everyday we write and read emails, reports, letters in English. But most of the time we speak and "think" in Cantonese. We don't seek to improve either language. And, sadly, it seems to be the norm. Nobody questions it. If the English in the report you wrote wasn't that good, you're generally excused because of the fact that: 1. people who read it understood it; 2. you are not a native speaker; 3. as long as the content is good (correct), then it's fine. And so we all get by.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
New year resolutions:
1. Be happy
2. Stay healthy. Try to do some sports.
3. Work harder on my French
4. Be happy (oh, I've said that already. But it's really important...)
And what about you?
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